This morning when I got up, I decided that because this blog is about my thoughts, my perspective, and my opinions, that I can’t exclude all that I am learning about starting a company and some bits about general life learnings (which also shape my perspective). So, I’ve decided to share some of the things that I’ve had on my mind a really learned in the last few months.
This post applies to both entrepreneurship that I’ve seen thus far, as well as mobile design (as I eluded to in a previous post). But, as with most important things in life, I didn’t learn it from a book, but instead from engaging with a couple life-touching individuals.
The last few months of my life have changed outrageously. They have gone from 6:30 am scheduled alarms, 2 hours of commuting, marathon training schedules, to not ever needing to leave my apartment for days on end. I’ve been thinking a lot about how much this change has changed everything about my life. And in the last couple days, I’ve had the chance to feel it, as well as consciously really *get it*, I think.
The rules don’t apply any more!!! Whatever you thought they were: a 6:30 am wake-up, jog, and tea; clearly marked exits; or business meeting thank you letters. They don’t apply!!!
As an entrepreneur and creator, I make the rules now. All the rules. But, more than that, there are NO RULES. There is only your sensibility and more importantly your gut. And unless you have done this all before, you are bound to make mistakes and put yourself in situations you have never been before. You are vulnerable. You never know if they will love you or hate you. Will they call for a follow-up meeting or will then slam the door when you leave? It takes self trust. It takes self understanding. It takes self discovery. And it takes, not falling back on the old rules in times of stress, but instead at that very moment not fearing creating a new rule.
There is no bedtime. There is no routine. There is only your own style.
And there is little need to worry about knowing what to create because in the end what will happen and what you will create, you will never have thought of to begin with anyways. You will just do it.
And after you make something or meet with someone, whether it works or not, whether they like you or not… you’ll have learned something. So meet with them. Try it. Go and do it. And then, embrace that new thing that is sparked inside your head from that meeting or design and run with it. Allow yourself to explore those doors that open inside your head. Be courageous.
And if you do happen to meet with folks, be ever greatful. Remember to tell them:
Thanks for opening the door. Thanks for listening.
(Perhaps this was really intended for all of you who have listened to me lately in any capacity…)