resume >
> education
> software/ languages
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> activities/ awards
 Photo Annotation on a Camera Phone CHI2004
 Metadata Creation System for Mobile
Images MobiSys 2004
- University of California - Berkeley, CA
- Aug., 2002 - May, 2004
- Masters of Information Management Systems
- User Interface Design/ HCI Focus
- DePaul University - Chicago, IL
- Sept., 2001 - June, 2002
- School of Computer Science, Telecommunications, and Information Systems
- Computer Science and Digital Design courses
- University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, MI
- Sept., 1994 - May, 1998
- Bachelor of Science in Bio-Psychology confirmed
software/ languages
- Prototyping and Graphics: Adobe Photoshop, ImageReady,
Illustrator, FlashMX, Visio Working knowledge:
- Languages: Java, XML, XSLT, JSP, JavaScript,
DHTML, CSS Working knowledge: PHP, ASP, SPSS, UNIX
- Development and Editors: DreamweaverMX, Forte,
Eclipse, Emacs
- Garage Cinema Research - May, 2003 - May,
- UI Designer Team Lead
- Lead UI Designer on mobile application to assign
image metadata at point-of-capture, using Nokia 3650
- Created information architecture flow diagrams and
screen layouts, involved in system architecture discussions.
- Mocked up screen designs using XHTML.
- Conducted usability testing and user interviews on
working prototype.
- Involved in social science research group to determine
how camera phone technology is changing user's photo
- Performed focus groups, interviews, and observation
studies to determine further user motivation and current
usage habits for photos and annotations.
- Lead UI Designer for Wishter project - a mobile wish
- Lead team in creating information architecture flow,
screen designs, and UI specifications.
- Electronic Arts - June, 2003 - Aug., 2003
- Web Developer Intern
- Developed external company sites for EA Sports™
using XML, JSP, and DHTML.
- Sites worked on include:,,
- Worked with senior designer on console games online
registration redesign project.
- Created new information architecture flow and screen
designs for EA Sports™ console games interface.
- Updated art assets when necessary using Photoshop.
- The Incrementum Group - April, 2002 -
May., 2003
- Lead Information Designer
- Lead interface designer on all client and portal initiatives.
- Constructed information architecture for portal and
client sites.
- Designed visual feel and layout for sites using Photoshop
and Illustrator.
- Develop sites using DHTML, JavaScript, CSS, HomeSite,
ImageReady, and DreamweaverMX.
- Aided in company database structure formation and
internal tool building using Java and JSP.
- Created and set protocols for company-wide design
and development production standards.
- Created and led all client and internal brainstorming
sessions for design conceptualizing processes.
- Involved in initial business plan considerations,
strategy formation, and departmental role creation.
- Main client contact for all production initiatives.
- Freelance Work - March, 2002 - Present
- Web Designer
- Designed visual look and feel for client sites using Photoshop and Illustrator.
- Designed client logos (University of California, BioText Group).
- Develop sites using DHTML, JavaScript, CSS, HomeSite, ImageReady, and DreamweaverMX.
- Created information architecture for client sites (Jilly's Cafe, assisted with Cacciatore Harper).
- Consulted on development purpose, scope, and business advantage of company
site building.
- Consulted on maintenance and up-keep procedures for
client sites.
- Clients:
Jilly's Cafe - Evanston, IL
Cacciatore Harper Residential Properties - Chicago, IL University of California, BioText Group - Berkeley, CA
- Hoyt Publishing - Feb., 2001 - March, 2002
- Webmaster
- Performed system analysis and worked with contractors
to design internal web-based database system extension
solution, integrating legacy FileMaker Pro system, using
XML for data sharing and ASP for retrieval.
- Performed user needs analysis for new system implementation
and presented findings to department heads.
- Designed information architecture for new system based
on needs analysis interviews.
- Created on-line client survey sites, reporting real time results using ASP, HTML, and CSS.
- Performed visual design and information architecture
for survey sites.
- Developed sites for special event activities, using HTML, DHTML, CSS, and modifying ASP pages.
- Performed sites administrative procedures, maintaining both content and design for company sites.
- Project manager for web-based client initiatives.
- Starcom Worldwide (Leo Burnett Co.) -
Jan., 2000 - Dec., 2000
- Strategic Media Associate
- Created strategic plans for LEGO and 2000
ad campaigns.
- Researched demographic and market domains to aide
strategic plans.
- U.S. Administrator of LEGO Greater Americas Mission
Control project - secure site to facilitate communication
between Leo Burnett Co. and LEGO Systems Inc.
- Managed and maintained content and security of Mission
Control site.
- Aided site building, interface design, and legacy
system recoding to web-based.
- Primary liaison between Information Management Group
and Strategic Planners.
- Lead creative brainstorming session to spark new campaign
for roll out of new LEGO product.
- Responsibilities also included: client presentations,
writing creative brainstorming briefs and POVs, conducting
vendor meetings, and maintaining strategic flowcharts.
- Anita Wilhelm, Yuri Takhteyev, Risto Sarvas, Nancy VanHouse, and Marc
Davis. Photo Annotation on a Camera Phone.
Proc. CHI2004. Vienna, Austria. April 24-29, 2004.
- Risto Sarvas, Erick Herrarte, Anita Wilhelm, and Marc
Davis. Metadata Creation System for Mobile Images.
Proc. MobiSys 2004. Boston, Mass. June 6-9, 2004.
activities/ awards
- Superior Academic Achievement Fellowship - 2002-2003
Recipient. University of California, School of Information
Management Systems.
- Leo Burnett Northstar Award – Global Finalist.
2000 LEGO Soccer Interactive Media Plan.
- College of Creative Studies - Completion awarded.
Graphic design course with Adobe Photoshop. Detroit MI.
- University of Michigan Art School – Completed
photography classes. Ann Arbor, MI.
- University of London - Neuroscience curriculum
with individual research emphasis. London, England.
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