March 9-14, 2007 – SXSW Interactive, Austin TX – “Mobile Application Design Challenges and Tips” panel. Discussed lessons learned and strategies for effective mobile design. (Read the transcripts here.)

August 14-17, 2006 – User Experience Week 2006, Washington DC – “Mobile Experience Design” presentation. Discussed trends, design strategies, and samples of current solutions to mobile experience challenges. Conference by Adaptive Path.

September 11-14, 2005 – UbiComp 2005, Tokyo Japan – Submissions accepted to “Ubiquitous Computing, Entertainment, and Games” and “Pervasive Image Capture and Sharing (PICS) : New Social Practices and Implications for Technology” workshops.

April 26-28, 2005 – Media Opportunities and Strategies for the Mobile, Broadband Generation, Los Angeles, CA Presented work performed at UC Berkeley and Caterpillar Mobile. Discussed new ideas for participatory media systems and how camera phones and networked cameras are changing communication modalities.

February 7, 2005 – Mobile Monday ( Talked about camera-phone interview studies and new ways of engaging users in community photo sharing within mobile casual gaming concepts. Also new ways of thinking about mobile photo annotation (tagging) processes. Presented ideas we are working on at Caterpillar Mobile.

From “What?” to “Why?”: The Social Uses of Personal Photos. Van House, N., Davis, M., Takhteyev, Y., Good, N., Wilhelm, A., Finn, M.: Proceedings of CSCW’04, November 6–10, 2004, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 2004. (Download here.)

Photo Annotation on a Camera Phone. Anita Wilhelm, Yuri Takhteyev, Risto Sarvas, Nancy Van House, and Marc Davis.Proc. CHI2004. Vienna, Austria. April 24-29, 2004. (Download here.)

Metadata Creation System for Mobile Images. Risto Sarvas, Erick Herrarte, Anita Wilhelm, and Marc Davis.Proc. MobiSys 2004. Boston, Mass. June 6-9, 2004. (Download here.)